Results for 'Timothy V. Nguyen'

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  1.  36
    Self-Controlled Feedback Facilitates Motor Learning in Both High and Low Activity Individuals.Jeffrey T. Fairbrother, David D. Laughlin & Timothy V. Nguyen - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    “We Are Illegal Here”: The Communist Party, Self-Determination and the Alabama Share Croppers Union.Timothy V. Johnson - 2011 - Science and Society 75 (4):454 - 479.
    The Communist Party USA's reputation for being in the forefront of the fight against African American oppression was forged in the 1930s as the result of the adoption of the Communist International's position that African Americans were an oppressed nationality. According to Marxist-Leninist doctrine, this entitled African Americans to the right to self-determination in that area of the country where they were a majority (the Black Belt South) and equal social and political rights throughout the country. The organizational internalization of (...)
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    Political Theory and Postmodernism (review).Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):386-387.
  4.  28
    Socrates and the Political Community: An Ancient Debate (review).Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (1):145-146.
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    Books in Review.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (4):693-697.
  6.  40
    Modernity's myth of facts.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (1):121-145.
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    The French Enlightenment in America: Essays on the Times of the Founding Fathers (review).Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):124-126.
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    " We are all torturers now": Accountability After Abu Ghraib.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (2).
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    Teasing Feminist Sense from Experience.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):124 - 144.
    We sometimes experience more than we can say, and often it is the "questions" posed by such nondiscursive reality to which feminist writings speak most profoundly. Feminists should therefore decline Richard Rorty's neopragmatist exhortation to forgo all appeals to "women's experience." Invoking an alternative account of pragmatism's import for feminism, I explore the problematic relationship between the experience of being pregnant and the language we use in talking about it.
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    Anger Management.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (2).
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    Emile Durkheim and the Science of Corporatism.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1986 - Political Theory 14 (4):638-659.
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    Machiavelli in Hell (review).Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):205-207.
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    The Politics and Poetics of Transgression (review).Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (2):373-375.
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    Rousseau in Kimono.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (1):53-85.
    Where is the essence of the West in the countries of Europe and America? All these countries have different systems. What is right in one country is wrong in the next; religion, customs, morals — there is no common agreement on any of these. Europe is discussed in a general way; and this sounds splendid. The question remains, however, where in reality does what is called Europe exist? Okakura Kakuzō (1887).
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    FE modelling of bainitic steels using crystal plasticity.N. Osipov, A. -F. Gourgues-Lorenzon, B. Marini, V. Mounoury, F. Nguyen & G. Cailletaud - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32):3757-3777.
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    Book in Review: William James: Politics in the Pluriverse, by Kennan Ferguson. Lanham, MD: Rowman &Littlefield, 2007. 196 pp. $24.95 (paper); $70.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (2):336-338.
  17.  27
    Adaptive Immune Regulation of Mammary Postnatal Organogenesis.V. Plaks, B. Boldajipour, Linnemann Jr, N. H. Nguyen, K. Kersten, Y. Wolf, A. J. Casbon, N. Kong, R. J. E. Van den Bijgaart, D. Sheppard, A. C. Melton, M. F. Krummel & Z. Werb - unknown
    © 2015 Elsevier Inc.Postnatal organogenesis occurs in an immune competent environment and is tightly controlled by interplay between positive and negative regulators. Innate immune cells have beneficial roles in postnatal tissue remodeling, but roles for the adaptive immune system are currently unexplored. Here we show that adaptive immune responses participate in the normal postnatal development of a non-lymphoid epithelial tissue. Since the mammary gland is the only organ developing predominantly after birth, we utilized it as a powerful system to study (...)
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  18. Tracking the cortical signals that mediate visual awareness.Peter V. Nguyen - 2001 - Trends in Neurosciences 24 (7):371-372.
  19.  27
    Automatically Characterizing Sensory-Motor Patterns Underlying Reach-to-Grasp Movements on a Physical Depth Inversion Illusion.Jillian Nguyen, Ushma V. Majmudar, Jay H. Ravaliya, Thomas V. Papathomas & Elizabeth B. Torres - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20.  32
    The electronic structure of lithium‐based liquid semiconducting alloys.V. T. Nguyen & J. E. Enderby - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):1013-1019.
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    Maternal socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with the sex ratio at birth in Vietnam.Bang Nguyen Pham, Timothy Adair & Peter S. Hill - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):757-772.
    In recent years Vietnam has experienced a high sex ratio at birth SRB) amidst rapid socioeconomic and demographic changes. However, little is known about the differentials in SRB between maternal socioeconomic and demographic groups. The paper uses data from the annual Population Change Survey (PCS) in 2006 to examine the relationship of the sex ratio of the most recent birth with maternal socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and the number of previous female births. The SRB of Vietnam was significantly high at (...)
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    Making sense of changing ethical expectations: The role of moral imagination.Timothy J. Hargrave, Mukesh Sud, Craig V. VanSandt & Patricia M. Werhane - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):183-201.
    We propose that firms that engage in morally imaginative sensemaking will manage society's changing ethical expectations more effectively than those engaging in habituated sensemaking. Specifically, we argue that managers engaging in habituated sensemaking will tend to view changes in expectations as threats and respond to them defensively. In contrast, morally imaginative managers will tend to see these same changes as opportunities and address them by proactively or interactively engaging stakeholders in learning processes. We contribute to the literature on moral imagination (...)
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  23.  29
    A New Version of the Gandhari Dharmapada and a Collection of Previous-Birth Stories: British Library Kharosthi Fragments 16 + 25.O. V. Hinuber, Timothy Lenz, Andrew Glass & Bhikshu Dharmamitra - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (4):803.
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    Vietnam’s Regulation on Intellectual Property Rights Protection: The Context of Digital Transformation.Dao Ngoc Anh Nguyen, V. P. Nguyen & Kim Hieu Bui - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):259-278.
    Vietnam is home to a prospering technology community and numerous enterprises that range from small start-ups to development giants. Virtually all public services are offered online. In fact, the country even has a system for e-residency and “data embassies.” This achievement derives in part from the nation’s transparent and enduring political preferences, but more importantly from Vietnamese law and its regulatory system regarding information, the digital general public, and intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. In this examination of the most pertinent (...)
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  25.  32
    A 2600-locus chromosome bin map of wheat homoeologous group 2 reveals interstitial gene-rich islands and colinearity with rice. [REVIEW]E. J. Conley, V. Nduati, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, A. Mesfin, M. Trudeau-Spanjers, S. Chao, G. R. Lazo, D. D. Hummel, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. S. Gill, B. Echalier, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, X. -F. Ma, Miftahudin, J. P. Gustafson, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, D. Sidhu, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, D. W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & J. A. Anderson - unknown
    The complex hexaploid wheat genome offers many challenges for genomics research. Expressed sequence tags facilitate the analysis of gene-coding regions and provide a rich source of molecular markers for mapping and comparison with model organisms. The objectives of this study were to construct a high-density EST chromosome bin map of wheat homoeologous group 2 chromosomes to determine the distribution of ESTs, construct a consensus map of group 2 ESTs, investigate synteny, examine patterns of duplication, and assess the colinearity with rice (...)
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    The impact of the stopping rule on sex ratio of last births in Vietnam.Bang Nguyen Pham, Timothy Adair, Peter S. Hill & Chalapati Rao - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):181-196.
    This study examines the hypothesis that the stopping rule-a traditional postnatal sex selection method where couples decide to cease childbearing once they bear a son-plays a role in high sex ratio of last births (SRLB). The study develops a theoretical framework to demonstrate the operation of the stopping rule in a context of son preference. This framework was used to demonstrate the impact of the stopping rule on the SRLB in Vietnam, using data from the Population Change Survey 2006. The (...)
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    Response to the Case of Short-Term International Development Work: Comment on “Global Health Case: Questioning Our Contributions” by Kelly Anderson.Alyson V. F. Holland & Timothy A. Holland - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):155-156.
    The conventional approach to international development by civil society—that is, the installation of “Western” programs and institutions by “Western” groups in “underdeveloped” regions—has remained largely unchanged since global poverty reduction, whether for political or social justice motivations, gained prominence in public discourse after World War II. Yet poverty rates, literacy, life expectancy, and unemployment in one of the poorest regions of the world, sub-Saharan Africa, has remained the same if not worsened since the 1970s . And, still, the great Development (...)
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  28.  22
    Political Corruption and Corporate Risk-Taking.Hinh Khieu, Nam H. Nguyen, Hieu V. Phan & Jon A. Fulkerson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):93-113.
    We use variation in corruption convictions across judicial districts in the US to examine the relationship between political corruption and risk-taking of public firms. Firms headquartered in regions with high levels of political corruption have lower total risk and lower idiosyncratic risk on average. Further analysis shows that corruption tends to encourage firms to pursue risk-decreasing investments, lower the riskiness of their operations, and decrease asset liquidity. While managerial ownership is intended to align the interests of managers and shareholders, the (...)
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  29.  57
    Printing Unrealistic Expectations: A Closer Look at Newspaper Representations of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing.Anjali R. Truitt & Michael H. V. Nguyen - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (1):68-80.
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  30.  30
    JAK/STAT pathway inhibition overcomes IL7-induced glucocorticoid resistance in a subset of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias.C. Delgado-Martin, L. K. Meyer, B. J. Huang, K. A. Shimano, M. S. Zinter, J. V. Nguyen, G. A. Smith, J. Taunton, S. S. Winter, J. R. Roderick, M. A. Kelliher, T. M. Horton, B. L. Wood, D. T. Teachey & M. L. Hermiston - unknown
    While outcomes for children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia have improved dramatically, survival rates for patients with relapsed/refractory disease remain dismal. Prior studies indicate that glucocorticoid resistance is more common than resistance to other chemotherapies at relapse. In addition, failure to clear peripheral blasts during a prednisone prophase correlates with an elevated risk of relapse in newly diagnosed patients. Here we show that intrinsic GC resistance is present at diagnosis in early thymic precursor T-ALLs as well as in a subset (...)
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    Automated classification of psychotherapy note text: implications for quality assessment in PTSD care.Brian Shiner, Leonard W. D'Avolio, Thien M. Nguyen, Maha H. Zayed, Bradley V. Watts & Louis Fiore - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):698-701.
  32.  33
    A chromosome bin map of 2148 expressed sequence tag loci of wheat homoeologous group 7.K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, G. R. Lazo, J. Hegstad, M. J. Wentz, P. M. A. Kianian, K. Simons, S. Gehlhar, J. L. Rust, R. R. Syamala, K. Obeori, S. Bhamidimarri, P. Karunadharma, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, A. Ratnasiri, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, Miftahudin, K. Ross, J. P. Gustafson, H. S. Radhawa, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, R. A. Greene, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. W. Choi, D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & S. F. Kianian - unknown
    The objectives of this study were to develop a high-density chromosome bin map of homoeologous group 7 in hexaploid wheat, to identify gene distribution in these chromosomes, and to perform comparative studies of wheat with rice and barley. We mapped 2148 loci from 919 EST clones onto group 7 chromosomes of wheat. In the majority of cases the numbers of loci were significantly lower in the centromeric regions and tended to increase in the distal regions. The level of duplicated loci (...)
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    Mélanie V. Walton: Expressing the inexpressible in Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius: bearing witness as spiritual exercise: Lexington Books, Lanham, 2013, 326 pp., $100.Timothy D. Knepper - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (2):191-194.
    All too often, the study of ineffability only looks on the bright side of life—mystical experiences of blissful unity, primordial grounds of overflowing fecundity, noetic truths of existential profundity. To some extent, this is true too for Mélanie V. Walton’s Expressing the Inexpressible in Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius: Bearing Witness as Spiritual Exercise, which turns to a “desperate love letter to God” —the eros-infused naming and unnaming of God in The Divine Names, a treatise by the sixth-century Neoplatonic-Christian Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite—for (...)
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    Pathogenicity in the tubercle bacillus: molecular and evolutionary determinants.Stephen V. Gordon, Daria Bottai, Roxane Simeone, Timothy P. Stinear & Roland Brosch - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (4):378-388.
    In contrast to the great majority of mycobacterial species that are harmless saprophytes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other closely related tubercle bacilli have evolved to be among the most important human and animal pathogens. The need to develop new strategies in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) and related diseases has fuelled research into the evolutionary success of the M. tuberculosis complex members. Amongst the various disciplines, genomics and functional genomics have been instrumental in improving our understanding of these organisms. In this (...)
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  35.  24
    Bounds on the ranges of the conductive and elastic properties of randomly inhomogeneous materials.D. C. Pham, L. D. Vu & V. L. Nguyen - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (18):2229-2249.
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    Deletion mapping of homoeologous group 6-specific wheat expressed sequence tags.H. S. Randhawa, M. Dilbirligi, D. Sidhu, M. Erayman, D. Sandhu, S. Bondareva, S. Chao, G. R. Lazo, O. D. Anderson, Miftahudin, J. P. Gustafson, B. Echalier, L. L. Qi, B. S. Gill, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, A. M. Linkiewicz, A. Ratnasiri, J. Dubcovsky, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, T. R. Endo, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & K. S. Gill - unknown
    To localize wheat ESTs on chromosomes, 882 homoeologous group 6-specific ESTs were identified by physically mapping 7965 singletons from 37 cDNA libraries on 146 chromosome, arm, and sub-arm aneuploid and deletion stocks. The 882 ESTs were physically mapped to 25 regions flanked by 23 deletion breakpoints. Of the 5154 restriction fragments detected by 882 ESTs, 2043 were localized to group 6 chromosomes and 806 were mapped on other chromosome groups. The number of loci mapped was greatest on chromosome 6B and (...)
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    “How Foraging Works”: Let's not forget the physiological mechanisms of energy balance.Tom V. Smulders, Timothy Boswell & Lindsay J. Henderson - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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    Cultural group selection plays an essential role in explaining human cooperation: A sketch of the evidence.Peter Richerson, Ryan Baldini, Adrian V. Bell, Kathryn Demps, Karl Frost, Vicken Hillis, Sarah Mathew, Emily K. Newton, Nicole Naar, Lesley Newson, Cody Ross, Paul E. Smaldino, Timothy M. Waring & Matthew Zefferman - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e30.
    Human cooperation is highly unusual. We live in large groups composed mostly of non-relatives. Evolutionists have proposed a number of explanations for this pattern, including cultural group selection and extensions of more general processes such as reciprocity, kin selection, and multi-level selection acting on genes. Evolutionary processes are consilient; they affect several different empirical domains, such as patterns of behavior and the proximal drivers of that behavior. In this target article, we sketch the evidence from five domains that bear on (...)
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    Walter E. Broman, Timothy C. Lord, Roy W. Perrett, Colin Dickson, Jill P. Baumgaertner, Eva L. Corredor, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Jay S. Andrews, David M. Thompson, David Carey, David Parker, David Novitz, Norman Simms, David Herman, Paul Taylor, Jeff Mason, Robert D. Cottrell, David Gorman, Mark Stein, Constance S. Spreen, Will Morrisey, Jan Pilditch, Herman Rapaport, Mark Johnson, Michael McClintick, John D. Cox, Arthur Kirsch, Burton Watson, Michael Platt, Gary M. Ciuba, Karsten Harries, Mary Anne O'Neil. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):373.
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    Group 3 chromosome bin maps of wheat and their relationship to rice chromosome 1.J. D. Munkvold, R. A. Greene, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, C. M. La Rota, H. Edwards, S. F. Sorrells, T. Dake, D. Benscher, R. Kantety, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, Miftahudin, J. P. Gustafson, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, D. E. Matthews, S. Chao, G. R. Lazo, D. D. Hummel, O. D. Anderson, J. A. Anderson, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. H. Peng, N. Lapitan, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, D. Sandhu, M. Erayman, K. S. Gill, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & M. E. Sorrells - unknown
    The focus of this study was to analyze the content, distribution, and comparative genome relationships of 996 chromosome bin-mapped expressed sequence tags accounting for 2266 restriction fragments on the homoeologous group 3 chromosomes of hexaploid wheat. Of these loci, 634, 884, and 748 were mapped on chromosomes 3A, 3B, and 3D, respectively. The individual chromosome bin maps revealed bins with a high density of mapped ESTs in the distal region and bins of low density in the proximal region of the (...)
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    Greens in the Vines.Julie Fitzmaurice, Mark Cordano, Timothy E. Martinson & Alice V. Wise - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:134-145.
    A survey was conducted in a naturalistic setting, within wine tasting rooms, to explore how consumers' sustainability attitudes and subjective norms influence their decision to purchase wines from wineries which have adopted an environmental management program. The results indicate that both are significant predictors of intentions and explain over half of the variation in intentions to purchase. In addition, identifying environmental organization members is a useful approach in identifying a segment of consumers having stronger levels of these antecedents and, therefore, (...)
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    Ecological scale: Theory and applications edited by David L. Peterson and V. Thomas Parker.Timothy H. Keitt - 1999 - Complexity 4 (6):28-29.
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    Are interventions recommended by pharmacists during Home Medicines Review evidence‐based?Ronald L. Castelino, Beata V. Bajorek & Timothy F. Chen - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):104-110.
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    Economics in Christian Perspective: Theory, Policy and Life Choices. By Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay.Timothy Harvie - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):711-712.
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    Analysis of expressed sequence tag loci on wheat chromosome group 4. Miftahudin, K. Ross, X. -F. Ma, A. A. Mahmoud, J. Layton, M. A. Rodriguez Milla, T. Chikmawati, J. Ramalingam, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, G. Surlan Momirovic, S. Kim, K. Chema, P. Fang, L. Haule, H. Struxness, J. Birkes, C. Yaghoubian, R. Skinner, J. McAllister, V. Nguyen, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. -W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset, H. T. Nguyen & J. P. Gustafson - unknown
    A total of 1918 loci, detected by the hybridization of 938 expressed sequence tag unigenes from 26 Triticeae cDNA libraries, were mapped to wheat homoeologous group 4 chromosomes using a set of deletion, ditelosomic, and nulli-tetrasomic lines. The 1918 EST loci were not distributed uniformly among the three group 4 chromosomes; 41, 28, and 31% mapped to chromosomes 4A, 4B, and 4D, respectively. This pattern is in contrast to the cumulative results of EST mapping in all homoeologous groups, as reported (...)
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    Chromosome bin map of expressed sequence tags in homoeologous group 1 of hexaploid wheat and homoeology with rice and arabidopsis.J. H. Peng, H. Zadeh, G. R. Lazo, J. P. Gustafson, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, M. Dilbirligi, D. Sandhu, K. S. Gill, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvorák, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, A. A. Mahmoud, Miftahudin, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & N. L. V. Lapitan - unknown
    A total of 944 expressed sequence tags generated 2212 EST loci mapped to homoeologous group 1 chromosomes in hexaploid wheat. EST deletion maps and the consensus map of group 1 chromosomes were constructed to show EST distribution. EST loci were unevenly distributed among chromosomes 1A, 1B, and ID with 660, 826, and 726, respectively. The number of EST loci was greater on the long arms than on the short arms for all three chromosomes. The distribution of ESTs along chromosome arms (...)
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    Dual-Task Processing With Identical Stimulus and Response Sets: Assessing the Importance of Task Representation in Dual-Task Interference.Eric H. Schumacher, Savannah L. Cookson, Derek M. Smith, Tiffany V. N. Nguyen, Zain Sultan, Katherine E. Reuben & Eliot Hazeltine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48. V-On Behalf of the Devil: A Parody of Anselm Revisited.Timothy Chambers - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):93-113.
    This paper treats a question which first arose in these Proceedings: Can Anselm's ontological argument be inverted so as to yield parallel proofs for the existence (or non-existence) of a least (or worst) conceivable being? Such 'devil parodies' strike some commentators as innocuous curiosities, or redundant challenges which are no more troubling than other parodies found in the literature (e.g., Gaunilo's Island). I take issue with both of these allegations; devil parodies, I argue, have the potential to pose substantive, and (...)
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    The strength of the Grätzer-Schmidt theorem.Katie Brodhead, Mushfeq Khan, Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, William A. Lampe, Paul Kim Long V. Nguyen & Richard A. Shore - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (5-6):687-704.
    The Grätzer-Schmidt theorem of lattice theory states that each algebraic lattice is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of an algebra. We study the reverse mathematics of this theorem. We also show thatthe set of indices of computable lattices that are complete is Π11\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\Pi ^1_1$$\end{document}-complete;the set of indices of computable lattices that are algebraic is Π11\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\Pi ^1_1$$\end{document}-complete;the set of compact elements of a computable (...)
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    Cultural group selection follows Darwin's classic syllogism for the operation of selection.Peter Richerson, Ryan Baldini, Adrian V. Bell, Kathryn Demps, Karl Frost, Vicken Hillis, Sarah Mathew, Emily K. Newton, Nicole Naar, Lesley Newson, Cody Ross, Paul E. Smaldino, Timothy M. Waring & Matthew Zefferman - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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